We’ve partnered with Skillzminer to help CACHE Alumni members to unearth their potential and find a job they’ll love.

In fact, when we asked members about the careers support available as part of their basic membership 87% of members felt that being a member of CACHE Alumni had supported them to make the best decisions about their future progression and over three quarters (77%) felt that their CACHE Alumni membership had opened employment opportunities to them

Job searching

A six minute chat with Skillzminer's job-bot will match your skills and experience with thousands of live job vacancies and search multiple job websites to help you find your perfect next role. Using robust and reliable national occupational databases to identify your skills and match them against active job adverts means closer matches and less time searching through unsuitable vacancies. This list is all for you. 

Changing careers

Find vacancies for now and signposting to your next steps with Skillzminer's insightful career exploration tools.  Building on your current skills and chatting about your interests means that the chatbot can point you towards new career opportunities, training and details of your skills, interests and work styles match to careers you might never have considered. 

Writing an application

Want help applying for your dream job?  Add the job title to Skillzminer's application assistant and harness clever AI to write your personal statement and discuss your experience and skills, all tailored to the job requirements and your unique blend of skills.  Copy and paste into any application form or click a button to generate your perfect personal CV template. 

Understanding your skills and experience

Whether it’s finding a new job, progressing up the ladder or switching up your career; this friendly chatbot will help in just six minutes.  Get an understanding of your skills and where they came from.  You'll be able to confidently answer interview questions about your experience, master your end of year review and advocate for your role and sector in no time! 


Members can chat to our friendly virtual assistant and let Skillzminer do the job searching for you. Use AI to your advantage and take advantage of clever technology to find a range of jobs and upskilling opportunities that suit your skills and personality.

The results might surprise you, but they’ll set you on the right path.




Once you're signed up, you can come back to Skillzminer again and again, updating your experience and collecting skills to your profile so that the engine can make sure that you're always at the top of your career game. Use Skillzminer to find your next role, figure out your next CPD steps or set your salary expectations using powerful AI (and friendly bots) to make it easy.

Already signed up?
Come back and play! 


“I haven’t been able to work for a long time because of my health. Skillzminer’s resources and its ability to show me jobs that I can do, rather than sifting through multiple sites, has really boosted my confidence.”
Kenneth H. - Job seeker
Fair Start Scotland

"Skillzminer’s ability to understand what people can do, rather than what they think they can do, engage with local employers and pull more than a million jobs from multiple sites, lets me help more people. No more endless hours of job search."
Peter L. - Work Coach